
hello there!

You can find me learning, breaking, and building with Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I have kept my data organized with SQLite and PostgreSQL and my versions controlled with Git. I have experience with Swift, Sinatra, Python, Adobe Photoshop, and Agile software development. See my resume for more info.

When I'm AFK, I'm probably in a mosh pit, at yoga, Memorial Stadium, or petting dogs.

how I got here

I played around with HTML/CSS during my childhood but always saw it as a pasttime, thinking I couldn't be good enough to turn it into a career. When a programming bootcamp became a viable option, I fell in love with the craft quickly and the transition has been tough but seamless. I'm looking forward to using my BA in Art History from UC Berkeley and previous work in human resources, non-profits, and event planning to provide a unique, well-rounded perspective to projects I find meaningful.


Emote Me Logo

Emote Me analyzes a user's emotion and returns resources to either maintain or improve the mood. Decoupled Swift app with Ruby on Rails backend API and deployed to Heroku.

See Code
Where's the Puppy Love Screenshot

Where's the Puppy Love geolocates the user and returns Flickr images of dogs that were tagged nearby. Ruby web app with Sinatra framework and deployed to Heroku.

See Code
Gamesta Paradise Logo

Gamesta Paradise lists board games and allows users to add them to personal libraries and follow one another. Mock client project built with Ruby on Rails and deployed on Heroku.

Heroku Page